Winnish's blog

Pull-apart Garlic Challah - 2 different shapes


Pull-apart Garlic Challah - 2 different shapes 


Lately I've been seeing a lot of cinnamon-pull-apart bread's photos, I guess it's the new trend in the USA.

During the month before Rosh-Hashana (Jewish new-year) I prefer not to bake sweet challahs and as onion-challahs are a big hit in my family, and also garlic-rolls,  I thought it might be cool to try this new shape for garlic-challahs.

Avocado Brioche


Avocado Brioche

Brioche - challahs and rolls, made with..... avocado instead of butter.

When I first heard of this idea, it took me a few minutes to digest the idea, but seeing the photo convinced me that I just have to try it. So I did - and my family just looooooooooooved it!

I took one of my own recipes, "played" with it and combined it with this great idea - and these are the results

Spelt challah and rolls


Spelt challah and rolls

A friend of mine cannot eat anything made with white flours (it's not the gluten it's the flour itself), so every now and then I bake a special challah with spelt flour for her.
Spelt flour is very low in gluten so no long-kneading.  and less rising time is needed.
Actually you have to make sure the dough does not rise too much, otherwise it loses it's strength and the challah "falls down" in the oven.





Delicious and easy-to-make PRETZELS


Recipe and more photos - you are invited to check at my blog
It's in Hebrew, Google translator is on top left side-bar