windycityloafster's blog

7 Grain Porridge Bread w/ Toasted Walnuts

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I have been making a lot of simple loaves, experimenting with new flours but not really trying to work anything into my bread. Then the other day I felt like making a porridge bread. I loosely based it on Tartine 3's rye porridge recipe, but cut down on the toasted walnuts, omitted the walnut oil, upped the hydration and used a 7 grain porridge mix I got from an Amish store a while back. I've lost the label but I think it was rye, hard red wheat, soft white wheat, spelt, oats, triticale, and maybe some buckwheat, I can't really remember.

Great Bake!

Profile picture for user windycityloafster


I am super happy with this bake! I fell asleep right after pre-shaping this, thinking all hope was lost, but my dough strength was great and I managed to pull two great loaves out of what looked like disaster! I simply shortened the final proof in the seasonal walk-in cooler included with every Chicago home (that is, the outdoors). Hope to post some shots of the crumb too!