suzyr's blog



This is in reference to Chef Reinhart's Ciabatta with Biga.  I think what helped me was to re-read the directions time and time again. And to watch different videos. I feel it was successful...thank you Chef.


Tartine Bread


Tartine Country Bread

Here is my bread that I have just finished. This was a small loaf but I am very happy with the crust and crumb. 



Schmaltz and salt poppy seeds and sesame....

I actually followed the recipe on the Smitten Kitchen site...Bialys are a treat for me. But one crucial item is the Schmaltz. I use it in many items that I prepare from soup to chicken..but you have to use it in cooking the onions to get the right flavor.. the recipe that he has on his site only makes a small six. But it is a great one to start out on.. Get your schmear ready!

Bread Bakers Apprentice Lavash


Knowing these would be good after reading the recipe from Reinhart's Bread Baker Apprentice.  I am a seasoned Hummus maker for many many years. These are a wonderful addition to the Hummus lineup. I even used black mustard seeds in addition to many other seeds.  I also feel and have learned it is not proper to post the recipe.  Purchase the book, but there are many recipes on line . 

Such as Baguette



A walnut sized of fully risen dough, such as pizza

1/4 cup of warm water

2/3 cup of all purpose unbleached flour

Mix this well and place in bowl and cover at room temp.  Let sit for 8 hours then move on to second stage.


The first starter

1/4 cup of warm water

3/4 cup of all purpose flour

Superior Cornbread


Thank you Chef Reinhart to a wonderful addition to the Cornbread world!

I think this version would be wonderful for stuffing!

The night before preparation

2 cups of buttermilk

1 cup of corn polenta grits Put both of these ingredients in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap and set aside at room temp.

The next day add dry ingredients into large bowl as follows:

1 3/4 cup of unbleached all purpose flour

1/4 tsp of baking soda

1 1/2 tab of baking powder

1 tsp salt

1/4 cup of granulated sugar

More on Ciabatta


Reinhardts Ciabatta

Ciabatta- 3 small loaves or 2 large

3 1/4 cups of Mature Poolish ready for final dough

3  cups of bread flour

1 3/4 tsps of salt

1 1/2 tsp of instant yeast

6 tab to 3/4 cup of water room temp

In mixing bowl add poolish with all of the ingredients.  Blend well til flour is hydrated well. Continue to mix for 5 minutes with paddle, til dough comes away from the sides.  This is very sticky dough, if it isn’t you need more water.  They suggest starting with 6 tab and up to 3/4 cup of water.  I used it all.

Whole Wheat with Raisins Jacques Pepin


Whole Wheat Bread with Raisins

1 tab of dry yeast

2 1/2 cups of water, tepid

1/3 cup of honey

4 cups of whole wheat flour

2 cups of bread flour

3/4 tab of salt

1 cup of raisins

2 tab of cornmeal