STUinlouisa's blog

Multigrain yeast water bread.


The last whole grain yeast water bread I made was possibly under fermented realized from the very good post that Yippee made. This time I wanted to take it to the other extreme. All the flours used were high extraction with just the biggest bits sifted, an extraction rate of 90-95% depending on the grain. This bread was a throw together bread where nothing is actually measured. The flours were Spelt, Kamut, Turkey Red, and some sprouted multigrain that was left over and I don't remember exactly what was in it.

Yeast Water & Sourdough Pain De Mie


A continuation of my yeast water exploration this is a shot at making a classic sandwich loaf. It is 40% whole grain, a combination of Turkey Red, Durum,  and white wheats (I was using up the last bits of the canning jars the grain is stored in) and 60% AP a local store brand that I find comparable to KAF. There is DMS, butter and an egg also. Most of the hydration comes from the yeast water and the water half of my recently refreshed starter of which 120g was used in the loaf containing 500g total other flour.

Multi grain millet porridge bread leavened with yeast water.


Sorry about the picture really need to get a camera instead of relying on the tablet (any suggestions?).About the bread, it is the fourth loaf using yeast water and this one is entirely leavened with it. I also wanted to have a porridge bread and since millet makes a favorite it was used. The porridge was made by cooking one third cup millet in one half cup milk and one half cup water with a pinch of salt until the liquid was absorbed. The flours were 30g millet,65g Einkorn, 100g Turkey Red wheat, 120g white wheat, and 200g AP.

Multi whole grain yeast water loaf.


The third installment in my yeast water experiment and I'm getting to really like the stuff. All the grains are fresh ground and sifted to between 90 and 95% extraction depending on the grain except the corn. All the water besides that in the leaven build is yeast water, white wheat was used for the build as well as the  sifted out  brans. The other grains were a sprouted multigrain mix (millet, rye, einkorn, and turkey red), Masa Harina, Einkorn, and Red Fife. The leaven build was started early AM, the dough mixed late AM, and the loaf baked late afternoon.

First success with yeast water


 Last week I made a yeast water brick probably due to trying too much for a first loaf by using a yeast water preferment and incorporating a steel cut oat porridge plus misreading the gluten development and the final proof, it just wasn't my day.

No clear plan of attack bread


This bread is the result of not having a good idea of what I was looking to achieve this week and a bunch of diversions and distractions. When gathering things to sprout and an interruption I ended up with three grains without the gluten proteins (rice, barley and millet) and some great northern beans don't know what or if I was thinking at the time.

Hot cross buns


This is the first try at hot cross buns. Followed the recipe at KAF website except for two things substituted about 25% WWW for the AP and ended up adding more flour because the dough was too sticky to form rolls with. For the  dried fruit a combo of raisins, cherries, blueberries, pineapple and our own apples were plumped in white wine.

I think they turned out pretty well for a first attempt but next will try using, at least partially, starter instead of commercial yeast and a different sweetener.

Happy Easter Everyone


Sprouted rye with barley soaker.


Missed St. Patrick's day with this one but that was the inspiration. It has a good presence of fresh ground sprouted rye flour, about 33%, and soaked barley berries, 20%. There is also some WWW and AP with a total whole grain percentage of about 67%. Used starter, a bulk fermentation retard, and an egg wash with a caraway seed sprinkle. Baked on a cast iron tray covered for the first bit by a stainless steel mixing bowl. Can hardly wait to cut this one but will restrain for several hours. In retrospect should have used stout for the soaking and hydrating.


Base line loaf


It was strongly suggested that I start making pan loaf style bread to keep constantly in the bread box and that the loaves made a couple weeks ago with the sprouted flour and eggs would be desirable. At least the bread has some complexity to it and is 50% whole grain. I decided to bake a base line loaf because there was a couple of changes that were to be made, pumping up the starter percentage and altering the baking method slightly.

Spelt, polenta and steel cut oat porridge bread and flaky crescent rolls


Two bakes of note this week. One was a pleasant surprise the other a reminder of what I don't want to do. The loaf started with what was supposed to be a leaven build but got interrupted by events and had to be refrigerated instead of taking it to the point of mixing the dough.  I should have just started over but instead took it out of cold storage and carried on as if no pause happened. A porridge was made with freshly coarse ground spelt, home ground corn and steel cut oats cooked in half milk half water and cooled.