Sitopoios's blog

German bread

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Today I tried to bake bread on a three-phase sourdough. Breads recipe is different from the classic recipe that is described in the book of Handbuch Sauerteig (M.J. Brand). But the result is still delicious!

5-Korns-rugbrød (Rug. Meget mere end rugbrød. Rikke Holm)

Profile picture for user Sitopoios

I bought this book but it was not enough time to backing. 

Now I try it. This bread is like a danish ryebread, but not so complicated. I like it! 

It was backed at the same time with Pain de campagne (Local breads. Daniel Leader). 

My wife and eldest daughter prefer a white bread, and I'm and the youngest (1.5 years) - this wonderful ryebread! 


My daughter (6) drew the bakery of his dreams :) 


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Now I try a new bread from Lutz Geißler and Björn Hollensteiner's Brotbackbuch Nr. 2!

It's looks greit!

Happy New Year!


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The bread is thanks to its distinctive dark, aromatic crust and the mild crumb the ideal base for a variety of sandwiches with smoked sausage or old cheeses.

I make 2 bread. One of them with poolish that was 22 hours in the refrigerator (about +5C) and another one with poolish in the my kitchen (about +23C) 20 hours. Breads has different taste! 

Spelt poolish, Rye sourdough