mmdione's blog

Three-Tiered Braided Christmas Bread from Emeril


I've been spending most of my week-end baking since the first 'Bread from lesson 2'. It is so addictive! (but I love it).

Here is the bread I tried* on sunday night and it turned out great. The recipe is from Emeril ( 

Here is the dough before the final rise:

Beignets aux amandes*


- 500g all purpose flour
- 80g ground almond
- 20 cl evaporated milk 
- 6 eggs room temperature
- 250g sugar
- Powdered sugar
- 125g butter
- 1 1/2 tsp instant yeast
- 1/2 tsp of salt

Heat milk. Add the butter, sugar and salt. Stir until all is dissolved. When cooled, add yeast.

Bread from Lesson 2


I've never made bread dough and always thought it required a special gift to make. After hours of browsing, I finally found this great website and decided to give a try. Lesson 1 gave me the basics about the ingradients. That made me jump straight to lesson 2 to officially break the ice.

This is the rising dough :

Rising dough

The result was great!