Mebake's blog

Wholwheat coarse bran Sandwitch loaf

Profile picture for user Mebake

I made this loaf one month back. It was very pleasing to toast, very. i'd recommend all who live in Dubai to try that!

Typical Ingredients:

Whole wheat (coarse bran) Flour, Instant Dry Yeast, a wholewheat preferment, warm water, honey/brown sugar/molasses, sea Salt, whole milk powder, some butter.




95% Sourdough Wholewheat batard, and a sandwitch loaf

Profile picture for user Mebake

Yesterday, I decided to venture into batards. I shaped one, and a loaf. Both were Sourdoughs with a 24 hr old liquid preferment. The final dough undergone its first proofing in a refreigerator for 24 hours (i was out). Yesterday, i deflated the cold proofed dough, and knead it until it became somewhat warm.

Mild Rey bread Attempt

Profile picture for user Mebake

Being a new member in this cool informative site, i would like to share my newest attempt to bake a Mild Rye loaf (50% AP). Pictures attached will do the talking. However, the crumb was gilatinous and rubbery, beacuse the dough was very hydrated. The end result, had a bland taste rubbery crumb, though airy and somewhat spongy. I'll reduce hydration next time.

I don't have any vital gluten, so i kneaded the dough in runnung water to get rid of some starch.

Iam learning as i go..