maojn's blog

Try my holy ciabatta !


This is my other version of ciabatta. A very holy version.
I find it very speical and different in texture. 


Poolish KA organic bread flour 33%
water 33%
SAF GOLD instant yeast (I am out of the red one) 0.1%

Main Dough
KA organic bread flour 67%
Himalaya pink salt 2%
ice water 40%
olive oli 5.8%
SAF GOLD instant yeast 0.2%

Sourdough poolish baguettes after weeks of practice!


This is the result of my weeks of practice making baguettes. I posted a question in the forum and thanks to everyone who provided help. I have finally nailed down the problem and have made 3 consistant good batches. Turned out my problem is not only at scoring, but also the fermentation time, my oven temp,  and steaming duing baking.