koloatree's blog

sunday night 100% sourdough bread


just cant seem to get the appearance id like. i think i am cutting too deep and not making a clean slice. accidently baked too long as well and i think i overproofed.


last weeks saturday bread and pizza session


greetings all!


retried the raisin walnut sourdough recipe from my previous post. i am pleased with the results, however, i am still trying to achieve a better scoring and ear curl. i think i was slashing too deep. i will try the suggestions that i recieved from the discussion thread. thanks members of freshloaf!



first blog post, just sharing thigs i baked on sunday!



new guy here from NJ! i am new to baking and look forward to learning about bread from all the cool and knowledgable members here. my first goal to achieve is to create a tasty and nice looking baguette, sourdough, and raisin walnut. also id like to learn bagels, dinner rolls, and sandwich/hoagie rolls! i have the BBA book and just recently purchase the PR whole wheat book. look fwd to learning as much as possible! below is what i baked on sunday.



PR Whole wheat trisitional bread, very good first try