KathyF's blog
Trying out my rye starter

I've been working on establishing a rye starter. I used dark rye at 100% hydration seeded with a little of my wheat SD starter. It has been bubbling away for a couple of weeks spending some it's time in the refrigerator. I have been using it in addition with my regular starter, but hadn't yet tried it on it's own. So today I decided to try a loaf of rye bread using just my rye starter. I have made rye bread before, mostly with instant yeast and once with my wheat starter, but this is the first time using just the rye starter.
Normandy Apple Bread… Tweaked

Since the family loved the apple bread so much, I decided to try again with a few tweaks. As suggested by dabrownman and Reynard in my last blog, I soaked my dehydrated apples in the cider. I also decided to forgo the instant yeast and rely on my levain to do all the rising of the bread. So this is how I went about it:
Normandy Apple Bread

As I was looking through Jeffrey Hamelman's book Bread: A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes, I saw the recipe for Normandy Apple Bread. Having a couple of apples laying around the house, I thought I would give it a try. So, I started the levain build and then found my dehydrator so I could dehydrate the apples by morning. Took 2 apples for the amount required for one loaf.
Sourdough carrot cake

Well, the sourdough hamburger buns went over really well. I also made this sourdough carrot cake from King Arthur Flour website and everyone loved it! A nice way to use up some sourdough discard, if you have any. Next time I am going to try their sourdough chocolate cake.
Hamburger buns

My daughter asked me to make hamburger and hot dog buns for tomorrow's barbeque and I decided to try my hand at sourdough buns. I have been working on a sourdough sandwich bread and I combined that with my regular hamburger bun recipe and came up with these. They are definitely not the squishy store bought buns but the crust is soft and crumb will hold up to a hamburger and fixin's.
Here is my recipe:
Flour (66% AP; 33% white WW): 100%
Water: 67%
Salt: 2.5%
Shortening: 8.3%
Egg: 16%
Sugar: 5%
Milk Powder: 5%
Starter (@58% hydration): 33%
Olive Bread

Still using the SFSD recipe from Crust and Crumb. Last week we went to the farmer's market and as we were passing by a bakery stall my daughter and her husband spied the olive bread. "We want olive bread!"Not being a real fan of olives unless it's in pizza or lasagna, I hadn't really considered making it.
SF Sourdough: Crust & Crumb version

In my last blog, baybakin suggested I try Peter Reinhart's SF Sourdough from Crust and Crumb. I looked at the recipe and actually, his timing works well with the summer weather as you end up baking in the morning. So I decided to try it out. This is the first time I tried retarding the final proof. I let it rise a bit like it said in the book and then put it in the fridge. I panicked a little when I observed that it kept rising for a while until it finally chilled down.
Berkeley Sourdough

So, I found this recipe on the web called Berkeley Sourdough by Fernando Padilla, Boudin's Master Baker. I fudged on his sourdough starter recipe, which is interesting as it is a stiff starter. I made my seed starter using a little of my 100% starter to make one at 50% hydration. The recipes were in volume measurements, so I did a bit of guessing.