Jo_Jo_'s blog

Not a brick after all

Profile picture for user Jo_Jo_

This is the bread that I make for my husband, who likes a softer crust and whole wheat.  I like it too, but my favor my sourdough baguettes.  I have spent weeks tweeking this recipe and really like the flavor and texture of the Kaiser shaped rolls I made this time.  They were allowed to rise an extra 45 minutes while the loaf in my clay baker baked.  I'm getting better at braiding the buns without ruining the crumb inside.  The ultimate critic will be my husband though, so we shall see.  First here's my newest version of my recipe:

Cold kitchen...

Profile picture for user Jo_Jo_

How is it that you start the day thinking you have plenty of time to bake your bread before leaving for a class tonight, but end up with a brick because your bread takes 4 times as long to rise?  I knew I should have put the dough into the fridge and done all my baking tomorrow, came so close to doing it too.  The first rise took 4 hours, and the second after shaping took 2 hours and I finally decided it was done because I knew it needed to cook before I left.  I wsa forced to put the loaf in my clay baker into the oven first because it is supposed to be started in a cold ove

Kaiser Rolls

Profile picture for user Jo_Jo_

Made these Kaiser rolls the other day, along with a loaf of whole wheat bread (actually about 50% whole wheat 50% bread flour).  The kaiser rolls turned out great, but the loaf I used to test the size of my new clay baker from King Arthur Flour.  I discovered that a 2 lb loaf fit's to the point of taking the shape of the baker, luckily I greased both top and bottom of it!  The rolls turned out like this and were nice a tender with a good crumb:

Sourdough mini baguette's & Anadama bread

Profile picture for user Jo_Jo_

I thought I would try creating a blog of my bread making, starting this new year with my new Kitchenaid 600 pro and a new book, The Bread Baker's Apprentice.  I am also determined to learn how to use baker's math, although I find it rather confusing especially when I am so used to looking and feeling the dough to see if it needs more water or flour.