JC1957's blog

New Toy


Got to try out my new toy today.  I've been working on this for a couple of weeks and it worked great.  The proof box is temperature controlled with a Johnson A419 controller set to control a small desk top heater placed in the bottom.  The rolls are a soft dinner roll straight dough that can be used for a variety of products.  I am catering a dinner for 100 tommorrow and made over 12 dozen rolls today.  

Sponge Dark Sour Rye


Yesterday I was researching various rye bread formulas and techniques trying to come up with something I could make with what I have on hand (dark rye flour and from a sour dough culture). I was thinking of a Jewish or a German Rye. The Bread Baker's Apprentice was a little help but still didn't have a formula to go on. Several years ago a friend (he was the head baker in the first bakery I use to work at) gave me his formulas, study guides and notes from when he attended Dunwoody Institute back in the early 1960's.

Busy Week of Baking


Light work week has given me time to bake at home.  First batch was the 1,2,3 formula again and then I did a sour dough baguette batch for today.  Here are the results:


And then today:

New to Fresh Loaf


Hello All,  I am new to this site and have found it very informative.  I have been away from baking for a little while and returned this week to try the 1,2,3 formula I found here.  The dough ended up a littlte to loose for my liking but tasted great.  The pictures below of those loaves.  The pictures at the bottom are from my 2nd batch baked Saturday morning with a much better shape.