Isand66's blog

Sour Dough Pretzel Rolls 2021

Profile picture for user Isand66

  I’ve been making pretzel rolls for years and I’m always tinkering with my formula to make them better.  Recently I started adding some butter to soften them a little and I really like the results.

This version had some fresh ground whole wheat added which bumped up the flavor.  I was very happy with the taste profile on these.

I decided to get creative and used some pastry cutters I had to give them a cool look.  I also used some scissor cuts for some more fun.

If you haven’t tried pretzel rolls yet, give these a try.

Guinness Ricotta Rye Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66


I love the rich flavor Guinness adds to bread. The combo of fresh milled Barton Mills Danko Rye and Ruby Whole Wheat was a winner. The maple syrup helped add just the right amount of sweetness and the ricotta cheese helped create a moist open crumb.


I added some toasted onions to the top of the loaves by adding them to the inside of the bannetons. I love onions so this really took this one over the top.


This bread made excellent pastrami sandwiches with melted cheese and it was pretty good toasted for breakfast as well.


Kiss My Grits Durum Ricotta Bread 3.0

Profile picture for user Isand66

This is one of my favorite breads. I used freshly ground Durum flour and bumped up the % along with a slightly higher % of fresh whole wheat.

I cooked the grits and added some butter and grated cheddar cheese just because that’s the way grits should be eaten!


I was very happy with how this one came out. I love the softness the ricotta cheese adds to the crumb and the flavor the grits impart. It’s an excellent bread to grill with some good olive oil and throw on a fresh garden tomato with some mozzarella and your good to go :).


Durum WW Rice Egg Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

This is a version of a bread I previously baked in January. I added some whole wheat in place of some of the AP flour in the original version.

I was very happy with how this one came out. The flavor was nutty with a nice moist open crumb. This was a perfect bread for grilling with some good olive oil brushed on and some melted cheese.

I really like the way the scoring came out as well :).

Durum Whole Wheat Potato Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66



It's been a while since I had a chance to post. Spring time clean-up has taken up a lot of my time and I'm almost finally caught up. Still have to get the veggies planted if it will ever stop raining. We went from 90 F last weekend to barely 50 F this weekend on Long Island, New York. At least we didn't have any hail or snow:).


Potato-Cheese Onion Multi-grain Porridge Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66

  It has been a while since I baked a porridge bread.  I am a big fan of the moist and flavorful crumb I get.  I added some onions directly into the porridge which helps impart a mild onion flavor.  I used some freshly milled whole wheat and rye along with KAF bread flour.

Community Bake Durum Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66



I love making bread with durum flour and especially when I can mill it myself.  Here is my most recent bake done for the current Community Bake.

I just ran out of Durum berries recently and was happy to find some at a reasonable price on Amazon.  Usually the shipping charges to New York from other sites are astronomical, but since I was able to use Amazon Prime it was free.


Guinness Multi-Grain w/Cottage Cheese

Profile picture for user Isand66


I love adding Guinness to bread dough. It really adds a distinct flavor that is worth experiencing. It doesn't taste like beer so don't worry about that part.


I used some fresh ground whole wheat Ruby Red from Barton Springs Mill, freshly ground rye and freshly ground red corn flour. The cottage cheese doesn't add any flavor but does make the crumb softer.


Durum Rice Egg Bread

Profile picture for user Isand66


This is the first bread I made using my new Ankarsrum mixer.  My wife surprised me with it for a Hanukkah/Christmas present.  I have been using the Bosch Universal for many years and loved it, but a while ago a piece on the base broke off and the bowl does not seat properly.  There is no way to fix it other than buying a used one especially since they just updated the model recently.