IceDemeter's blog

"Issues"; 50% WG Over-proofing Experiments; and rebuilding a starter...

Profile picture for user IceDemeter

So, there I was last Thursday with two fine loaves for all of the sandwiches that I'd need for a busy weekend out of town, a container of "issues" in the fridge, and a lot of questioning on the strength of my poor old NMNF starter.  Well - the husband managed to do some neck damage, which cancelled the plans for the weekend (and cancelled the need for so many sandwiches!), and left me with some actual time on my hands.

100% Rye - thanks to Mini Oven and Lazy Loafer, among others!

Profile picture for user IceDemeter

It all started so innocently --- I read Lazy Loafer's rye bake blog, and started craving some 100% rye bread.  I wandered down to the freezer and discovered that I was down to my last wee chunk of my last bake (I freeze in 200g chunks - 5 delicious slices), and that I had apparently also frozen the last chunk of my very first 100% rye bake (it was a 100% version of Stanley Ginsberg's "Black Rye Bread"

70% WG @ 81% Hydration and 35% WG Rye Banana Loaf

Profile picture for user IceDemeter

I had a few things that I wanted to experiment with this week:

     - using a stiff (66% hydration) levain instead of a liquid (100% hydration) levain

     - using a whole wheat levain instead of all rye

     - changing the timing for using the levain to waiting until it had peaked and fallen for a couple of hours and then retarding in the fridge for a day or so

It's prep season...

Profile picture for user IceDemeter

We're just heading in to the season where we will rarely be home (either helping friends at their farms or wandering the back country) and so will have a need for convenient foods that pack well, are nutrient rich, and require minimal preparation.  I won't have a ton of time most weeks, so right now I'm busy filling the freezer with soups and stews (to carry in a thermos, or to quickly heat for a late dinner or early breakfast), roasted and sliced meats for sandwiches or soup additions, and (of course!) a variety of baked goods.

Failure? Well, it LOOKS like it...

Profile picture for user IceDemeter

Well, all of you evil influences managed to tempt me off of my planned path of simple formulas (with some experiments of percentages and timing just to figure out what works best here), and off in to the crazy territory of the more complex recipes...

I can't say that I am really ready for it, but - well, that's part of the fun! 

Responding to the changes...

Profile picture for user IceDemeter

...although not necessarily with the BEST response!

If anyone ever tells you that weather patterns, especially pressure changes, don't impact baking, then please laugh in their face, or, at the very least, snort derisively... 

Some early success, and huge thanks to...

Profile picture for user IceDemeter many of you here, for your inspiration, your patience and detail in answering questions, and your generosity in sharing your formulas and instructions in enough detail that even a rank newbie like me can start off with some success!