headupinclouds's blog

1 week DYW pizza


 A date yeast water pizza crust with delayed fermentation from [here]

Mixed up a dough for pizza with 572 g of CM artisan bread flour, 411 g date and apple yeast water, 12 g salt, 20 g EVOO, and 10 g SD (as a hedge).  70 turns in the food processor + some Rubaud then in the fridge.  I'm curious how that will compare to the 3 g of yeast called for in BBA.

levain test 2


Another young vs ripe levain comparison for a desem culture maintained at 60 F.  At this time I was feeding 2x daily at roughly 5:3:5. This is a tortoise vs hare race.  The mature levains take an early lead, and the young levain eventually catches up with a sprint at the end. 

  • mix 250 g flour at 66% hydration w/ 2% salt
  • 90 turns in food processor total
  • 20 turns to mix levains
  • yellow: pH 4.55; 25:125  2% salt
  • blue: pH 3.8; 25:125 2% salt

11:00 start

17:05: blue takes early lead

levain test 1


Occasionally I end up with small portions of the sames starter in various states and thought it would be useful to to document leveaning capability of the levain as a function of pH, given similar maintenance.

reinhart's (home) pizza napoletana


I received The Bread Baker's Apprentice as a gift this year, which I hadn't baked from yet.  I also have a bag of Central Milling's Old World Bread Flour I got this Fall, which is my favorite bread flour I've tried so far, but due to my fondness for whole grain home milling, I haven't been using it.  I put them together to make Reinhart's simple Pizza Napoletana recipe and to get some practice with instant yeast.

574 g flour

12.5 salt

3 g yeast

25 g olive oil

411 g water

omer gevaert's desem


A blog entry to maintain notes on my attempt to follow Omer Gevaert's original recipe for desem posted by mariana and described in detail HERE.  I previously followed the recipe in Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book and am interested in comparing them.

I'm starting with some Sonora soft white wheat berries II have had sitting around unused for some time.

red fife desem (new starter)



Two desem bakes with home milled Red Fife (my previous attempt used a converted starter). 

This differs from my previous attempt in that it uses:

red fife desem


Inspired by Benny's red fife bakes, and an earlier red fife by @suminandi that caught my eye, I wanted to see what I could learn from working with this flavorful but fermentation intolerant heritage grain.  I'll be doing a few bakes with this one using desem at different percentages of PFF.