grdresme's blog

Nuts n Raisin Sourdough

Profile picture for user grdresme

Last Saturday, I was fortunate enough to create this loaf. She was stunning! And tasted awesome too! Here is what I did:

250 gr white flour 
200 gr of whole wheat flour 
50 gr rye flour 
11 gr salt 
50 gr mixed nuts (no walnuts) 
50 gr raisins 

Spelt & Rye, our day to day bread

Profile picture for user grdresme

This is the bread we usually eat when I can't make the time to bake sourdough. Usually I bake about 4 loafs of sourdough spelt; and utilize the freezer to keep us eating it throughout the week. If we burn through the sourdough quicker as expected, I usually bake some extra bread with yeast. 

The recipe is pretty simple: 

For two loaves:

500 gr white spelt flour
500 gr whole spelt flour
22 gr salt
14 gr yeast
1 tbsp cocoa powder 
20 gr of syrup (something sweet, maple or rice or aguave)
600 ml tepid water.

Rye flour for dusting

Spelt & Corn Bread. A dry affair, to say the least.

Profile picture for user grdresme

The idea seemed a good one, in my mind at least. The nuttiness of spelt, combined with the sweetness of corn. Never tried anything like it before, so it was a complete shot in the dark. I missed spectacularly, and yet, I have hit the mark at the same time. Weird ey? 

Since I have never baked a corn bread before, I used a recipe from FloyM, and altered it to my liking/ingredients available. Here's what I did.