Elagins's blog

A Very Good Day at the San Diego County Fair

Profile picture for user Elagins

Entered six items in Baked Goods category, with the following results:

First Place Sourdough and Best of Yeast Breads Division:

Old School Jewish Deli Rye (ITJB pp. 74-76)

First Place Other Breads:

Sweet and Rich Challah (ITJB pp. 33-34)

Second Place (Rolls, Sourdough, Cookies):

Polish 100% Rye Bread with Prunes (Chleb zytni ze sliwka)

Profile picture for user Elagins

As many of you know, I've been fascinated with rye for years (am working on a book about it). Here's one of my faves, a wonderfully flavored, wonderfully simple Polish rye made with prunes. (pics below)

Yield: Two 21.5 oz./610 g loaves








Rye sour

1 cup



Styrian (Eastern Austria) Pumpkinseed Oil Cake

Profile picture for user Elagins
Last week, my wife's cousins from Styria, in eastern Austria, came to stay with us and brought us some dark green pumpkinseed oil, which is a regional specialty. They also brought a recipe for a chiffon cake made with the oil. The recipe couldn't be simpler (and it's also an amazing taste when accompanied by a good beer):
1. Grease and flour a bundt or gugelhupf pan and sprinkle the bottom with toasted pumpkinseeds.

At Last! The baguette crumb I've been looking for

Profile picture for user Elagins

Finally, I got the crumb I've been looking for, and it came about by accident.

To enlarge the crumb, I've been gradually reducing the kneading time, lowering the flour strength and increasing the hydration of my baguette doughs. Finally, I got it right on New Year's Eve, when we were having some friends over and decided that crostini would be on the menu. My wife and I were both very busy that day and I was in a rush to get the bread done, since one of our ovens went on the fritz the day before (naturally!) and so we only had one oven to work with and lots of baking.

Bakebook Chronicles - Continued

Profile picture for user Elagins

Actually, I posted this elsewhere, but am not sure how many have seen it, so I'm reposting under its own heading.

It's been a good while since I last chronicled our adventures and misadventures in the world of publishing, and a lot has happened in the interim.

some recent baking and book update

Profile picture for user Elagins

hi all,

thought you might be interested in what i've been up to lately, so here are some recent pics.

the book is moving along.  the editing is done and i'm going over the corrected manuscript and getting some more photos together.  our publisher has a designer working on the internal design, and i gather that the finished book is going to run somewhere around 320-360 pages.  we're moving toward the prepublication home stretch and i can't believe it's actually happening.

NYB Bakebook Chronicles

Profile picture for user Elagins

Baker Ben suggested that since the testing is over and we had such a great group come together, that I continue to blog about the actual process we'll be going through to actually get the book into print.  I think it's a great idea, so, with thanks to Ben, here goes:


Profile picture for user Elagins

On top: black pepper and parmesan

Underneath: fresh rosemary and garlic

12.5% protein flour, 66% hydration, 5% olive oil, 2% salt, 2% fresh yeast, baked on a stone at 400 for 18 minutes.

Stan Ginsberg