ejm's blog

Wild Yeast Walnut and Raisin Bread for World Bread Day 2007

[center]wild walnut raisin bread[/center] I do love bread! It really is the staff of life, don't you think? As far as I'm concerned, every day is bread day. We invariably have buttered toast each morning for breakfast. Sandwiches are not uncommon for lunch. Bread is often the starch we choose to go with dinner.

Kneading Slack Dough by Hand

[center]hand kneading[/center] When people hear that I make virtually all our bread, they nod in approval and invariably ask what kind of bread machine I have. Here is how the conversation generally continues:
Me: No, I make it by hand. I don't have a bread machine. They: No bread machine?? Me: No, all by hand. They: (awestruck) Wow... that must be hard...