Edo Bread's blog

Comin' thro' the rye

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

Found this pic I took a couple weeks ago to show the family, and thought someone here might appreciate it too. The rye is getting close, will not be long until this will be lots of tasty bread out of my oven,

pain de coeur (all about the shape)

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

Here are a couple of the loaves baked for the Valentines weekend.

Bread flour, spelt, rye and levain. Pretty basic formula. The challenge was in the shaping and still getting a good oven spring. Worked out well they were a hit. Hope everyone had a nice day.

Recovery Loaf

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

Made these to give to patients leaving the recovery room at the local hospital.

Bread flour, WW flour,  spelt, oatmeal and topped with chia seeds. 12-14 ferment depending on when they hit the oven. One left I will try tomorrow.

XO Loaves

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

Putting together a college care package.  Top request was wild yeast olive bread like back home. These should do the trick and a fun way to pass on a little message too.

Testing the Emile Henry Bread Loaf Baker

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

I really love creating boules and batards. But there are times that a standard loaf shape just makes more sense. Metal loaf pans never did what I wanted, but a few months back I received the Emile Henry Loaf Baker and today I gave it a try.  

Pan de la grille

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

When the weather gets warm it means dinners outside and bread from the grill. While the shapes can change based on the rest of the meal - they are mostly a basic pain au levain,

Part wheat and part rye levain - and then flour, water, salt. After so many loaves I still find the highest pleasure in pulling the most flavor out of those ingredients. A nice long ferment and the right mix of levain makes such a perfectly simple treat. The added flavors of the fire and outdoors is just enough to make the bread of summer a special treat.

Last minute Friday loaves

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

Was not planning a bake yesterday but got a call asking for a couple loaves ready for dinner that night.

I had quite a bit of nice starter available and thought I could work up a formula that would have enough levain to make it work. Decided to make a boule and a more oblong shape for different uses over the weekend.

Ended up getting nice singing loaves with a crust and crumb I had hoped for. There was enough starter to give a full rich fermented flavor and a good rise.

Seeded Fougasse with Olives

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

Finding myself with starter that needed to be used and not enough hours to create a loaf that I would be happy with, I decided to take a  different route. Using both wheat and rye starters I threw together a fougasse that disappeared almost a little too quickly

pain au levain with carmelized onion swirl

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

The idea here was of course to add the flavor of carmelized onion, but I wanted it in a decorative swirl in the bread. This was my basic levain. Inset on the picture shows the result. Just what I wanted.

No plan loaf

Profile picture for user Edo Bread

I was planning on a bake free day. But early in the morning I was asked if I could come up with loaf of bread.

I knew I had about 250 grams of whole wheat flour so that was my starting point. I let the whole thing ferment most of the day and just about time to bake and I was called away. So I threw it in the fridge overnight. Next day I wasn't around to pull it out when I had hoped, but pulled it out late turned it into a loaf and baked. It worked.

71% hydration