Danni3ll3's blog

10 Grain Cereal Porridge Bread Take II

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I made this bread back in June and really liked it then. It was one of the breads I wanted to repeat. Because of time, I changed the method and ingredients a bit and used a bit less cereal and water. For some reason, this dough seemed extremely wet when it came to shaping but it is hard to compare it to the other dough because I bulk fermented that one in the fridge, shaped it cold and proofed it on the counter. This one was bulk fermented in a warm place and proofed in the fridge. I think I got a bit more oven spring with the first method but both recipes turned out quite nice.

Prospector Buns with a Twist

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

We have a local restaurant called the Prospector. They are known for their soft airy rolls or buns. I was fortunate to find a copy of their recipe online. My daughter was having a bunch of friends over for a pizza party and she wanted to make some prospector buns to go with some marinara dipping sauce. She had the idea of brushing them with butter and sprinkling them with Italian herb mix and some parmesan before baking. They turned out delicious and just as tasty as the ones from the restaurant.

Prospector Buns

1-2-3 Spelt Multigrain Loaves

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Once again, I had some levain left over from my other breads so I fed it enough to try to make another 1-2-3 loaf. I was going to increase the water by 50 grams but decided to stick to the formula and only added a few drops with the salt to help dissolve it since I was using kosher/coarse salt. I can't give you a crumb shot since one loaf went to the soup kitchen and my parents and brother ended up with the other loaf. The loaves themselves are a bit misshapen because I used parchment paper in the dutch ovens.

Kamut Porridge Loaf

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

This was inspired from the Tartine 3 Porridge Breads. I brought a loaf to friends last night and we had a few slices. It was amazingly moist and tasty. This is definitely one that I will make again!

Cook 160 g of Kamut flakes with 360 g of water for 15 minutes on medium and cool.

Autolyse 500 g unbleached flour, 250 g multigrain flour (Robin Hood), 250 g Kamut (khorasan) flour with 750 g warm water for an hour.

Sprinkle 22 g of salt on top of dough. Mix 250 g of 2 build flour/rye levain with the 416 g of porridge and work into the dough by pinching and folding. 

Betsy's Seeded Oat Bread

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

This is out of one of the Artisan Bread in 5 minutes. I found the recipe online and decided to bake a couple of loaves for one of our local soup kitchen. I figured that it would be super healthy and filling with all of those seeds and oats in it.

1-2-3 sort of Raisin Date Cider Seed Bread

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Well this was almost a bust! I am not sure what happened but my bread didn't rise very much at all. I thought it might have been that the alcohol in the cider killed the yeast but there are sourdough recipes out there done with hard cider. This was on top of messing up the hydration when I realized I was short 65 g of levain and took some of my stiff starter from the fridge and added water to it. So this is not a true 1-2-3 sourdough. This is what I did.

Cranberry Pecan Rosemary Crackers

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3



A friend gave me the recipe. I replaced the raisins with cranberries and cut the loaves in half lengthwise to end up with a square shape. Notes in brackets are mine. 

Rosemary Raisin Pecan Crisps

2 cups flour (I used Robin Hood Best for Bread Multigrain)
2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cups buttermilk
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup honey
1 cup raisins (Cranberries)
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup roasted pumpkin seeds 
1/4 cup sesame seeds
1/4 cup flax seed, ground
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh rosemary

Nelson Mandela Challenge Bread or How to make delicious Cranberry and Pumpkin Seed crackers!

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Last week, I participated in the Nelson Mandela Challenge Bake and ended up with a delicious if dense bread. We were not eating it very quickly so I decided to turn it into crackers. The density was right and with a few minutes in a 350F convection oven, my dense bread turned into delicious Cranberry and Pumpkin Seed crackers.

Grains and Seeds Bread

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

From Bien Cuit.

This has lots of different whole grains and seeds. I made this in the past and really enjoyed it. It didn't have the oven spring of the first time I made it but the taste was still awesome. I took a boule to pair with spinach dip on the weekend and everyone loved it.

This has two leavens:

1. First levain is 40 g of starter, 80 g cool water, 80 flour. Second levain is 120 g of toasted millet, 80 g toasted amaranth, 20 g black sesame seeds, 16 g of dark rye flour, 20 g starter and 120 warm water. Both sat overnight.