Benito's blog

My second set of baguettes

Profile picture for user Benito

So I decided to try baguettes again having had one previous attempt.  This time I tried the Anis Bouabsa recipe more or less based on what MTloaf and Alfanso posted here.

My first baguettes

Profile picture for user Benito

So after much prodding from certain people, you know who you are, I finally tried making baguettes.  I decided to try to keep it as simple as possible and just try an IDY recipe.  I had a look at Peter Reinhart’s recipe and decided to have a go at that.  It didn’t require a poolish nor levain, just IDY.

Furikake 振り掛け / ふりかけ Sourdough Discard Crackers

Profile picture for user Benito

I tried to put together another variety of sourdough discard cracker this morning, furikake.  Those of you familiar with Japanese food will know that Furikake (振り掛け / ふりかけ) is a dry Japanese seasoning meant to be sprinkled on top of cooked rice, vegetables, and fish. It typically consists of a mixture of dried fish, sesame seeds, chopped seaweed, sugar, salt, and monosodium glutamate. ... Furikake is often brightly colored and flaky.

Black and White Sesame Seed Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

I haven’t been feeling great about my baking lately, I’d been over proofing my bread and really disappointed in how they turned out.  I decided that I needed to go back to a recipe that I’d made many times when I first started to bake sourdough, so I went back to Maurizio’s Beginner Sourdough from The Perfect Loaf.  For some reason the flavour of this bread always speaks to me.  However, I decided I still wanted some sort of add in, but one that wouldn’t negatively affect the crumb too much, so since I love sesame seeds I went with black and white sesame seeds.

Butterfly Pea Flower Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

I’ve been following Kirsten of FullProofBaking on Instagram and have been interested in trying her Butterfly Pea Flower Sourdough for sometime.  I finally purchased some butterfly pea flowers on Amazon and decided I’d try to bake this.

Butterfly pea flowers 14.5 g dried flowers, green leaves and stems plucked off.  Steeped in 360 g boiling water x 10 mins and cooled, then 342.5 g added to flour during autolyse.


Total Dough Weight 900 g


Bread flour 80%  

Whole Grain 20%  

Tuna, Artichoke, Sun-dried Tomato, Onion, Mozzarella Sourdough Pizza

Profile picture for user Benito

On the weekend we decided that it’s been much too long since I’ve made pizza.  So using the same recipe for sourdough pizza that Will shared with us all during the Community Bake, I put together 4 dough balls so we could have four 9” pizzas over two days.  I didn’t use the diastatic malt, but I think without it I could allow the dough to cold ferment much longer.  Usually I bake after 48-72 hours in the fridge, today’s bake was the 48 hour cold ferment.  I’m thinking without the diastatic malt 72-96 hours would probably be even better.

Smoked Cheddar Apple Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

My partner requested a cheddar and apple bread so I put together this iteration based on Kirsten’s Basic Open Sourdough recipe.

Levain build 1:2:2

20 g mature starter

20 g bread flour

20 g whole wheat flour

40 g water


311 g white bread flour.               74% including levain

46 g whole wheat flour.               21% including levain

Double Olive Walnut Herbes de Provence Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

This is an adaptation of a Tartine recipe with one of Maurizio’s and using generally the methods of FullProofBaking.  I attempted to score a leaf on the dough but was hilariously unsuccessful in my attempt.  It just looks like random scores on one side.


Levain build 1:2:2

20 g mature starter

20 g bread flour

20 g whole wheat flour

40 g water


311 g white bread flour.               74% including levain

Purple Sweet Potato Pecan Einkorn Sourdough No. 2

Profile picture for user Benito

I baked this bread a second time and adjusted what I was doing based on some comments and suggestions I received here and elsewhere.  Because the sweet potato should already be adding sugars to the dough I skipped the diastatic malt.  I also did bulk fermentation at a slightly lower temperature because I thought the last bake could have been a bit overproofed.  I also baked the bread differently based on an idea that Kirsten of FullProofBaking posted.  On the lowest rack I placed a roasting pan with rack and then baked the bread in my Dutch oven on this rack.