Benito's blog

Black Sesame Yorkville Sourdough Baguettes

Profile picture for user Benito

I’ve made this recipe for baguettes before with the seeds on the crust, this is the first time I’ve made baguettes with inclusions, so black sesame seeds in the dough.  It is a much tidier way to add the sesame seed flavour so you don’t cover your floor with sesame seeds when slicing the baguettes.  

100% Rye, Tourte de Seigle - Stanley Ginsberg

Profile picture for user Benito

Apparently this bread is also known as tourte Auvergnate.  It is a 100% whole rye loaf and mine was made without any commercial yeast although I’ve seen recipes that use it in as a sponge along with the rye sour.  Those who are familiar with baking rye sourdoughs know that they ferment very quickly.  From building the first stage of the rye levain until the loaf is out of the oven only took 18 hours.  However, you’re also likely aware that rye breads need time to “cure” after baking so I think they are best if you wait 24-48 hours before slicing.

Whole Red Fife Hokkaido Sourdough Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

I wanted to see how replacing 25% of the flour with whole red fife might affect the rise and the quality of this milk bread compared to my previous recent bake.  I thought 25% was a good place to start and if this is good I’d consider increasing that whole grain portion to 50-75%.  Whole red fife is actually a nice mild whole grain flavour without any of the bitterness I associate with some whole wheats.  Although it has good gluten potential, which you can feel while doing folds during bulk, it is fermentation intolerant.

Sourdough Hokkaido Milk Bread

Profile picture for user Benito

This is the bread I am going to bring our friends who we are seeing for the first time in over a year.  They do seem to prefer a softer bread so what better than a sourdough Hokkaido milk bread with Tangzhong.  This is the second time I am making this bread and I hope they enjoy it.

The recipe that follows is for a 9”x4”x4” Pullman pan open.



Sweet Stiff Starter 

• 53g bread flour 

• 24g water 

• 18g light brown sugar 

• 18g sourdough starter ~100% hydration 


Whole Kamut Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

This is a 60% whole Kamut 80% hydration sourdough loaf I put together testing what I believe works well for pH guided dough development.

Blueberry Miso Crumble Cake

Profile picture for user Benito

To celebrate my 365 d fermented homemade red miso I decided to try something I’ve never done before.  For ages I’ve seen recipes that use some miso in desserts so I decided to make this crumble cake that uses miso in the crumble topping.  Instead of the white miso is substituted my red miso and because it is much stronger than white I used only 2 tbsp of it in the crumble topping.  

If you’re curious about how to make miso from scratch this is the link to my post from a year ago.

Tiger Stripe Neapolitan Ice Cream Sourdough

Profile picture for user Benito

I’ve been thinking about ice cream a lot lately since it has been so hot here in Toronto, really sticky humid.  Going back to my childhood where we never had a single flavour ice cream in the house, it was always Neapolitan because no one could agree on a flavor.  I was finally able to find freeze dried strawberries which is what I thought might work for the strawberry flavor and colour without adding too much liquid to the dough.  For chocolate I used alkalinized dark cocoa powder.