Aussie Pete's blog

Repeats of same daily forums


Hi Floyd,

Just recently, about 3 to 4 weeks ago I think I started getting two lots of the daily forums on my email from you. . All entries are the same and they are about half an hour apart from each other. Is this normal or is this the way it is done. Could I possibly be listed twice in your system? Don't get me wrong I look forward to them daily but I am wondering if twice a day of the same forums is normal? If it isn't what can I do to correct this situation? 

Keep up the good work............Cheers Aussie Pete.

Care to Share your Easter Breads Recipe.


 Easter as we know is shared and respected over most of the world. Last year I noticed  people were asking for recipies for Easter breads.

So I noted that for next year(being 2011) I would start a blog asking people of different nationalities to share their traditional easter bread from their homeland or even a recipe handed down through their families over the years that comes out as family treat at easter only.

Beau and the baguette


This is a story not about recipies, how good is my loaf, hydration or bakers percentages or any thing to do with my baking ability(or lack of after reading some blogs on TFL....that is a compliment to others that I am in awe of).

I have a lovely natured 11year old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel named Beau. Besides his hobby of wanting always to be with us, sleeping and eating his nose will sometimes get him into trouble as I will explain.