alfanso's blog

Field Blend #2 two ways (sort of)

Profile picture for user alfanso

I took a hard break from my standard baguette life to help my sister in law get her nascent bread skills some training wheels while she was visiting from far away.   I decided to do boule shaping with her, less challenging than the whole baguette pre-shape/shape/score shebang, and selected a bread I’ve never done before, in basically a shape I don’t do.  So it was discovery for both of us, but in different ways.

Shifting some time and temperature with Bouabsa Baguettes

Profile picture for user alfanso

I had some time constraints yesterday and still wanted to ensure that I’d be able to bake some Bouabsa Baguettes this morning.  I had just enough time in the early morning to mix the flour and water, but then had to place the goop on hold until I could return a few hours later to continue mixing the dough.

Bouabsa double hydration baguette video

Profile picture for user alfanso


I’ve returned from our more than two months away from home and from our oven, but made good on a promise to a distant acquaintance.  I said that I would try to create a video of the making of the Bouabsa baguette for her, and I did.  As my first baking “project” since returning home.