alexlegeros's blog

Ever feel like cheating on your Sourdough?


Right now, I'm over three weeks into a project about baking sourdough rye breads.  I've been baking quite a bit, but sometimes feel a little overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of it all that's taking up space in the kitchen.

Baking with flair: Julia Child vs. America's Test Kitchen


Do you love cooking shows?  Ever noticed a difference in the way cooking shows present what it is to cook?  Are they the Julia Child types that lightheartledly take hammers to meat and throw a little wine into the pot because "heck, it was already in my hand!"  Or do they precisely measure things and triple-check for accuracy like on "America's Test Kitchen?"

Read about my thoughts on this dramatic stylistic choice and how it impacts bread baking in my lastest blog, hosted here: 

Why I Started Baking Bread


Greetings fellow bread bakers and bread lovers,

I have been thinking all morning about what led me to bake bread, and I think it might be fun to share some stories and experiences about how we all came to this really rewarding activity.  I think we all come to breads in a very personal and meaningful way, and I'd like to hear from you what it was like. 


Here's the link to my blog where this post is hosted.  Hope you don't mind my attempts at MS Paint illustration!  Be kind--all I have is a touchpad!