WendySusan's blog

Trying to Get a Rise......or in Search of Elusive Oven Spring

Profile picture for user WendySusan

I have been concentrating on Forkish's Field Grains #2 for consistency while I determine the best method for me to achieve the elusive oven spring. My goal was to find the right blend of technique, i.e., levain prep, percent of water, combination of grains, length of bulk ferment and length of proofing of the final loaves without over proofing in my quest for better height in my loaves as well as better scoring before baking.

Training Wheels Off! Sourdough!

Profile picture for user WendySusan

I've now made this twice with consistency...along with the helpful, kindly advice from this forum... I hopefully am taking the training wheels off. Started yesterday with a small preferment begun with my rye starter and assembled into a sloppy, doughy mess to bulk ferment in the proofing box.

Four hours later and the dough had almost doubled in bulk, ready for the baskets.

The dough is getting a little easier each time to handle. After shaping and placing in the bannetons, it was into the fridge for an overnight retardation....this method works very well for me.

First Levain Based Sourdough and a Harvest Grain Cheat

Profile picture for user WendySusan

Applying what I learned when I went back to basics, I mixed up a total levain based sourdough.  Of course during the rising period I had my doubts and although I have a multitude of patience being married to Mr. A.D.D., I get impatient watching the dough rise!  

Back to Basics

Profile picture for user WendySusan

After my less than spectacular Forkish Country Brown....good flavor, not as good oven spring as I would like, I was advised by my mentor (you know who you are) to go back to basics.

This week in baking March 25, 2015: Pain Au Bacon ala Moi

Profile picture for user WendySusan

I've been taking books from the local library to see if any are worth spending money on.  Since there is a wealth of information on this site and the internet in general, I hesitate to spend money until I know whether or not it will be a useful reference.  One of my recently borrowed books is Flour Water Salt Yeast by Ken Forkish...which will also probably be a keeper.  The Pain Au Bacon recipe caught my eye so I decided to bake it the Wendy way...meaning take a recipe for a guide, and adapt it to my way of baking and hope for the best!

This week in Baking: March 22, 2015

Profile picture for user WendySusan

What else is there to do in retirement but perfect my baking skills.  Everyone benefits and I'm getting fat!!! Ha Ha

After seeing the recipe in the feed for the Blueberry Cream Cheese Braid I just had to try it.  

This week in Baking..March 18, 2015: Pumpernickel Breads

Profile picture for user WendySusan

Tuesday is recording day….my husband is part of a duo that plays German music in the area and they are recording their second CD. Our son, who is also a musician and is graduating from college with a degree in Music Production Technology, is recording them. Consequently, I get to feed them. My husband’s partner loves Pumpernickel bread and is always requesting it….so today I’m baking two different recipes. Oh and in addition we will be having Weitzenbrötchen. A trip to the German butcher will round out the menu planned for “Abendessen”.

This week in baking: Portuguese Rolls

Profile picture for user WendySusan

Never one to leave well enough alone, I am on a quest for a favorite roll recipe.  I have been making the Weitzen Broetchen recipe posted on hanseata’s blog and nicely done in a video by Avioli  Breadlabs for quite some time to the delight of family and friends.  A local German master chef told me “these were the best buns he has had in a long long time since the old country”.  So thank you hanseata for the recipe.

Adventures in Baking Begins

Profile picture for user WendySusan

I've been lurking here for a bit and finally decided to join.  I bake for fun and I've recently made a foray back into the kitchen.  Being semi-retired I do have a bit more time on my hands.  Add to that Knitting Club's attendance at a bread baking class and Viola....another hobby!

We started with a sourdough loaf and Challah both of which came out fantastic.  Half of the sourdough still resides in the freezer for later enjoyment...the Challah is gone....the last few slices dipped in egg, fried and smothered in Ron Wenzel's famous maple syrup...yum!