Pain moulé


About ten years ago, my wife and I participated in a study-abroad program in Strasbourg, France. We were reminiscing today when the topic of bread came up (of course!). Every day on the way home from class, I would pick up a loaf of "Pain Moulé" from the Boulangerie for my girlfriend and her flat-mates. 

I don't remember anything about this bread, other than it was white and had a softer crust than a baguette. It was big enough to survive dinner with four hungry girls and myself. We would smother it in Nutella, sweet cream butter (sinful, I know!) or dip it in olive oil. Dessert was sweet-as-candy North African Clementines, a delicacy then not widely available in the United States.

I know a few of you are from France or live in France, so I was wondering if you know anything about this bread? Is it widely available, or is it specific to Alsace? Does the name simply describe the size and shape, or is it a specific recipe? 

With appreciation,
