Making Rye and Buckwheat Breads with less All Purpose Flour


I've been making some good Rye and Buckwheat Breads with my Bread Machine.  I need to use at least 60% All Purpose Flour, othewise the Bread does not rise and form well.  I want to make the breads with less percentages of All Purpose Flour.  Is it possible to use Vital Wheat Gluten to accomplish what I want, or will Vital Wheat Gluten only help form and rise Wheat grains?


If it is possible, pls reply with some formulas.


If not, what else can I use to make good breads with less percentages of all Purpose Flour.








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Here is a link to bread machine information.  I hope it helps.

Your bread machine is geared toward wheat bread, so it's a good observation on your part that you need 60% wheat flour to get a decent loaf.  I think the above link may prove interesting. 

Oats also add an interesting flavor with rye and buckwheat, just remember to maintain the 60% wheat.  Have you tried adding instant potato flakes?

Mini O     (btw, I dragged past 49 already!)