I'm starting to experiment with Beer breads.
This was the first Bread that I made:
100% Whole Wheat Beer Bread:
1 1/4 cups Dark BrouCzeck Beer
3 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 Tablespoons of Brown Sugar
2 Teaspoons of Sea Salt
4 Cups of 100% Whole Wheat Frour
1 1/3 Packets of Red Star Active Dry Yeast
I produced a decent Dark Brown Bread with a slightly musky flavor. The inside is very moist.
It didn't rise as much as I wanted but did form a Bread shape.
I am now making a second Beer Bread:
Whole Wheat Chestnut Bread:
1 1/4 cups Dark BrouCzeck Beer
3 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
6 chopped Roasted Chestnuts
3 Tablespoons of Brown Sugar
2 Teaspoons of Sea Salt
2 1/2 Cups of All Purpose (non bleached) Flour
1 2/2 cups of 100% Whole Wheat Flour
1 1/3 Packets of Red Star Active Dry Yeast
I'll post again later or tomorrow to let you know how it came out.
It is rising a lot more than the 100% Whole Wheat Bread. It is going to be a big Bread. I am hoping that the Chestnut Flavor will complement the Beer.
The first Bread was much better with a heartier flavor.
The second Bread had very little taste.