Aprilsky Spring Onion Rolls!

A few weeks ago Aprilsky posted her recipe for Spring Onion rolls and it looked delicious! I made it right away and had planned to post my version but it got vacuumed off the counter by hungry pirates before I could do justice to it. So, Here is my recreation of a very nice recipe for a fast start breakfast. Thank you April!

The first time I made this I used bacon. This time I decided to try smoked ham cut thicker from the deli. I also added 2 plum tomatoes de-seeded and chopped up. I added all the fill ingredients together and sprinkled some "Maggi" sauce over and tossed together. Maggi is sort of like soy but not really.( A Vietnamese friend of ours showed me the secret to her killer pot stickers and I've been a fan ever since.)

Here is the link to Aprilsky's original post . And here is my reprint of my adaptation.

I lowered the heat to 375F from my first try. The rolls were slightly under done in the center and needed to be baked longer. This is a very tasty treat for breakfast or lunch.

Spring Onion Rolls
Spring Onion Rolls



Ready to Roll
Ready to Roll

OMG, those are the most scrumptious looking rolls I have ever seen! I would have never thought of a filling like that.  I would think that the chunks of tomato would make the roll soggy on the inside.  Do they still taste good as leftovers, or is it something that you should eat it all while it is fresh out of the oven?

Those are downright sinful...and I bet we would love them. I wanted to make them when Aprilsky first posted them but forgot. You did a great job.


Thanks for your kind words! The tomato is a plum and I took the seeds and juice out before I chopped them up so they didn't get soggy. I darned near forgot the ham and tucked it in at the very end. I wanted to add some garlic too but maybe next time for lunch.



Would you believe I was thinking about these today? Aprilskys version....  These look so appealing...I often think about them...one day......I will bake them.  How I love green onions. You did a wonderful job making these...the garlic will definately change the flavor!
