A few weeks ago Aprilsky posted her recipe for Spring Onion rolls and it looked delicious! I made it right away and had planned to post my version but it got vacuumed off the counter by hungry pirates before I could do justice to it. So, Here is my recreation of a very nice recipe for a fast start breakfast. Thank you April!
The first time I made this I used bacon. This time I decided to try smoked ham cut thicker from the deli. I also added 2 plum tomatoes de-seeded and chopped up. I added all the fill ingredients together and sprinkled some "Maggi" sauce over and tossed together. Maggi is sort of like soy but not really.( A Vietnamese friend of ours showed me the secret to her killer pot stickers and I've been a fan ever since.)
Here is the link to Aprilsky's original post . And here is my reprint of my adaptation.
I lowered the heat to 375F from my first try. The rolls were slightly under done in the center and needed to be baked longer. This is a very tasty treat for breakfast or lunch.
Spring Onion Rolls
Ready to Roll
Those are downright sinful...and I bet we would love them. I wanted to make them when Aprilsky first posted them but forgot. You did a great job.
Thanks for your kind words! The tomato is a plum and I took the seeds and juice out before I chopped them up so they didn't get soggy. I darned near forgot the ham and tucked it in at the very end. I wanted to add some garlic too but maybe next time for lunch.
Would you believe I was thinking about these today? Aprilskys version.... These look so appealing...I often think about them...one day......I will bake them. How I love green onions. You did a wonderful job making these...the garlic will definately change the flavor!
I must have been away for a decade. hahaha~~~You surely did the bread way better than me. Yummy!!!