This weekends results

I was originally going to try the Italian bread from BBA this weekend, but I forgot to write down the biga recipe so I had to scrap that idea. So instead I decided to come here and look up something else to try. The victim of my baking experiment would end up being Floyd's daily bread recipe. As other people did, I found the dough to be extremely wet. I had to add another 1/2 cup of flour for the dough to come together. It was still very slack, but I could still work it. The only problem I had was that I think my attempts to steam the bread resulted in me inadvertently misting the bread itself which made the crust chewier than I would have liked. Also, my lack of baking stone and using the middle rack instead of the bottom caused the bottom crust to be a little soft. The crumb came out really well too. Very creamy and open. The flavor wasn't quite what I hoped it would be, but I think that has to do with the crust not coming out as well as it should. But adding a few accompaniments sure did make it taste good! :) I also made another 2 loaves of the cinnamon raisin walnut bread but used the correct amount of raisins this time, and substituted pecans for the walnuts. I had a problem shaping one of the loaves because there was a section with to many raisins and the dough broke around them. It caused about one third not to rise all that great. They still tasted great though! Next weekend I'm going to try and mix it up. Maybe I'll take a stab at bagels instead.