Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to thank all of you for your help in getting me to this:
I use this site to help me calculate a recipe of 68% hydration, 25% starter at 100% hydration and 2% salt. I make a 100% hydration autolyse with the water and let it sit for 30 minutes or more and then add the salt to the rest of the flour. After a while, I mix the starter, autolyse and the salt-flour mix together. Stretch/fold 3 times every 30 minutes. Then it ferments a couple to a few more hours and then I shape (barely) and bake at 550 F with steam before and after dough goes in, then lowering to 400 after 5 minutes. It's finally acceptable to me and the flavor is nice! So thanks everyone, especially Mike, Jane, Pablo and Mini -- there are many more, but those names come to mind right now!
It looks like you have a pretty good handle on things. Nice breads!
Very nice loaves.
Howard - St. Augustine, FL