What difference is there between WW flour milled on a Regal Kitchen Pro and Nutrimill?


I am contemplating getting a larger grain mill but wonder what the product/output is like by comparison to the mill I have.

I have a Regal KitchenPro grain mill-small-3 cup capacity box but it grinds like a trouper! I can't find a picture but it came out in 1997.Even on the finest setting, the WW flour is still grainy-a little finer than cream of wheat or maybe more like a corn meal consistency. Still makes great bread but I'd like to be able to mill something more like all purpose flour consistency, if that is possible.

Does a Nutrimill produce a fine-grained flour? I'd even like to see a close up pic of the flour it grinds on the finest setting.

So why do I have a Regal? The price was right! $1.99 at the local Goodwill-new,never used.What a deal!