Hello All - New Here

Profile picture for user Blind Guy

Hello All,

Just what you all were hoping for, another newbie here. I am getting more and more interested in baking but have limited experience doing so. I want to move beyond the pizza doughs and simple breads and move into pastries, rolls and other more interesting things. 

 I understand yeast and all as I am an amateur wine maker. I make primarily cabernets and real Zinfandels. Not those sweet pink zins. (Bleh).

Anyway, hello and I hope I am not too much of a nuisance with the many questions I may have.

Welcome, blind guy!

I am relatively new to the site as well, but have already learned so much, both through reading and posting questions.  This is a great community, full of information and ideas, with so many helpful and generous members.


The continuous flow of new bakers is what keeps this site alive and vibrant. You will find this site to be an enormous help in your quest to be a better artisan baker.

If you can identify a particular type of bread you find interesting, there is probably a thread about it here so use the search feature. That will get you started and be sure to chime in with questions/comments and such. Post images too. Nothing like a good picture to show off your work.

I look forward to seeing your posts.



Hi, this is a great site for learning about baking bread!  So many people with lots of good advice.   If you want to try something different, you might want to consider sourdough.  You can learn  a lot about it on this site in the lessons section.  Have fun!


Profile picture for user Soundman

Hello Blind Guy, and welcome to TFL!

You certainly have come to the right place. You will find a lot of help here; forget about being a nuisance. We all started from zero, and we are all learning.

I am not a pastry chef and so can't be much help there, but I'm with Marni: you want a challenge? Try sourdough!

Your knowledge of yeast through wine-making will no doubt come in handy for others.

As far as "simple breads" go, I'm not sure what you mean. No bread is so simple that I haven't screwed it up at one time or another! And as Howard (holds99) will tell you, there's nothing simple about a baguette, which has a very simple ingredient list. There's another challenge for you!

I look forward to your posts in the future.

Soundman (David)

Thanks for the welcome. I have the feeling that this forum will be as friendly and helpful as the wine making forum I am a moderator on. http://www.winepress.us is the URL if any one cares to nose around there. We discuss wine making, beer (liquid bread) brewing, cheese making, grape growing and of course what to eat with all this. You'll recognize the name over there.

Yeah, I should know better than to think that there is a "simple" bread. I quess I was thinking pizza crusts which besides a loaf or two of a good whole wheat bread to have with a stew is about the extent of my bread baking to date. 

Thanks again!


Life's too short to eat Wonder Bread!