I made the Laurel's Vollkornbrot over the last few days and was disappointed with the outcome.
I was wondering about the instructions re the baking. It has you starting, covered, on the bottom rack in a cold oven - ok, bake for an hour at 425-ok, turn oven down to 215 and bake for 2 more hours -ok, uncover and turn oven up to 425 for another hour. This last part gave me a seriously burnt bottom.
I did shave off the bottom but the entire crust was inedible and I actually chipped a molar. So I trimmed off the rest of the crust and am left with just the centre which is actually quite good. I am guessing that the instructions should have said to raise the loaf up from the bottom for the last hour of baking?
Even if I had the sides and top were also way too hard to eat, and I love a crusty loaf.
I would like to know anyone elses experience with this loaf(s)