I just found the Introductions forum so I thought I'd say hi to everyone. I am an Ohioan transplanted temporarily to Las Vegas. I used to bake before moving here and then got caught up in taking classes, working, and being generally busy. I am excited at the prospect of making my first starter in a a long time, My last starter was so good to me I named her Pauline (an old family name), so I hope my family will be able to tease me about Pauline again soon. :-)
Hello, David
Small world! I am in the doctoral program in Sociology. I am not on the faculty, although I have taught in that department, but Psychology is in the same building. In fact, I think we just gave up our grad student lounge for the Pscyhology Department to use this year. :-)
Nature delights in diversity. Why don't humans?
Hello and welcome to a great site. Very friendly and helpful place for learning a lot about baking bread.
I do miss Las Vegas...lived there from 1954 to 2001 and my husband was born there and grew up in Vegas. We moved to San Diego in 2001 to be near my daughter and her family...I have three grandkids here and my son and his wife live in Vegas and have my other grandchild...I have tons of relatives in Vegas. I loved Vegas when it was a small town and had a lot of fun there when I was a kid.
I hear stories from my coworkers who were children in Vegas that they had lots of fun growing up. Vegas has changed so much since then- no more small town. I love the weather, the colors and the beautiful high desert flora. (I'd add fauna, but I don't see much more than scraggly ravens and a ton of roaches and crickets.) I can't wait to hear my first coyote.
But Vegas has way too many cars and too few residents who want to stick around long enough to create real communities. So many housing developments here are sidewalk-less and front porch-less anyway, so trying to interact with your neighbors is more difficult than it needs to be. If I tried to bike to a friend's to deliver my bread like I used to in Ohio I'd probably be hit by a car. ;-) Can you tell I'm rather ambiguous about Las Vegas?
I LOVED San Diego when I visited and really want to go back. I saw the ocean for the first time last year!
Nature delights in diversity. Why don't humans?