I've been meaning for ages to rave about the onion rings we made weeks ago using Tanna's (My Kitchen in Half Cups) brilliant idea for using up left over sludge after feeding the wild yeast. They were fabulous!! And very very bad for us. Because we want to have onion rings every day. This is not good. I really don't want to have to buy new trousers.

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Thank you, pbs! I know what you mean. Just posting the photo for this post made us suddenly NEED to have onion rings again last night. They really are the best. In fact, just like Tanna (mykitcheninhalfcups.com) said in her post about onion rings, we're tempted to just keep our wild yeast starter going to make onion rings with the leftovers after feeding and forget the bread completely. ;-D
I notice you add 2 T of sparkling water to the batter. Is that a critical component? It seems like maybe it would help it foam up. Maybe a little baking soda or powder would work also. What do you think?
Jamie Oliver uses sparkling water in his batters for deep frying too. So I do believe that the sparkling water is essential. In her recipe, Tanna said that it should be cold soda water. (no idea if that's necessary)
Personally, I'd be disinclined to use baking powder (I'm always nervous about the tartaric acid - it's SO bitter) but I suppose that baking soda would work if you don't have sparkling water. But I really don't know, having little knowledge of the chemistry of it all.
Beer might be fine to use. There isn't that much starter and it's leftover at that. And not that much sparkling water either. But the sweetness from the beer might be too much for the onions. They're already quite sweet as it is.