Some time ago I found a site that had a formula for calculating the ingredient weights for a recipe when you want a certain amount of finished dough. I can't seem to find it again. does anyone have any ideas.
First of all let me say thanks to all who replied to my OP. Now I can put the info into my spreadsheet file.
As to the question of the weights of ingredients, i have found a very helpful file on the USDA site. It is a nutritional database. I use it often to convert recipes from cup measurements to weight measurements. It is a pretty good size file. But once downloaded, can be run from the desktop easily. The only drawback for some would be that it gives the weights in metric. This is not a problem for me as I have a metric capable scale. It is also nice information to have for making labels if you are selling the products.
I like to use grams and kilograms even for liquid measures. Makes it easier for me to scale a recipe.
A year or more ago I made a spreadsheet to calculate bread formulas. E-mail me on and I'll send it to you as an attachment. It can work with either grams or ounces (or whatever weight unit you like) based on bakers' percentage, including non-flour ingredients such as raisins or nuts.
There are zillions of calculators going the other direction and I was going to make myself a spreadsheet to figure out how to back into it when I stumbled across this. Exactly what I wanted, thanks!
Is there an easier way that won't fry my brain? I have ADD and doing mental calculations will be the death of me.
A year or more ago I made a spreadsheet to calculate bread formulas. E-mail me on and I'll send it to you as an attachment. It can work with either grams or ounces (or whatever weight unit you like) based on bakers' percentage, including non-flour ingredients such as raisins or nuts.
Is this the site?
Wow! Nice Calculator! Very easy to understand and use. Kudos!
very cool. Please give my regards to your old windows laptop on your coffee table!
There are zillions of calculators going the other direction and I was going to make myself a spreadsheet to figure out how to back into it when I stumbled across this. Exactly what I wanted, thanks!