Hello everyone,
I live in Wisconsin and work in Minnesota, and so the greeting. I'm very new into attempting artisan breads in my home oven and am absolutely obsessed. There are weeks when six loaves sit on my kitchen counter, and since there are only two of us at home, I'm fortunate to have a bread-addicted retriever. (Otherwise, my husband and I will soon begin to look like batards ourselves!) My present objectives are ciabatta and a 10-grain batard. So far, so good for a rank amateur. Any suggestions welcome. I work with heavy pizza stones in the oven, a full cup of water tossed into a cast iron skillet at the bottom of the gas oven at the start of baking, and very hot temps. Fortunately, there are many decent sources for fairly freshly ground, organic flour in this area. I feel very fortunate to have stumbled into this room. I look forward to many lessons.
Hello! =) Welcome to the site, I am sure you will find alot of good info and help from all the wonderful people here. It is nice to see someone on here from my neck of the woods, I am from a suburb of St. Paul. Where do you get your organic flour from? Anywhere in the cities, or in Wisconsin? Good luck with your baking.
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Hello, and thanks for the welcome,
I'm picking up my flour at the local food coops in town, the Wedge or Mississippi Market (the Selby/Dale location), although I've also found it in my Amery, WI natural food store as well. And, believe it or now, I tried out a new product from Gold Medal - a certified organic all purpose that I found at Cub. It wasn't bad.
Yes, I'm very excited about tapping into this site.
In search of the perfect crust & crumb
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