There's only so much time in the day, only some much opportunity to eat bread in a week, and a loaf of bread only lasts so long. So I have to choose which and how much to make. I don't dare let the family get bored, and I don't dare run out of good bread and have to eat store-boughten. What all this means is adding a new recipe/type to the list is difficult to do. Nevertheless, I have begun making ciabatta, occasionally. This weekend was an occasion. I am using Ponsford's recipe from Glezer's book and like it well enough but making only two loaves leaves me with a lot of short bread for slicing for sandwiches, and they are too large for slicing horizontally. Frustration.
So I made smaller loaves that would accommodate a single sandwich if sliced horizontally. Incidentally, the children asked for hambergers on this hot Sunday evening and cooking out of doors is a nice option to cooking inside. Okay, that's stupid when I am already baking three batches of bread in the oven... But the runt of the ciabattas called out to me, "Eat me, eat me, EAT ME!" What was I to do? I slathered the meat with the usual spices: cumin, chilli, pepper, salt, and throwed it on the grill. Just a short time later, cheezeburger in paradise!
Pretty good story I get to stick to this time,