S for sicily!

Just a few days ago, i decided to try Pete Reinhart's Pane Siciliano. It's been a long time since i've wanted to try this.. Image hosting by Photobucket Image hosting by Photobucket Wished i'd shape it better though. But the semolina adds something nice to it :)! Anybody tried Pane di Altamura before? Is it 100% durum flour bread?
I made the pane siciliano for the first time a few weeks ago, and it was my best bread to date. Nice job on yours, too! How'd you like the flavor? I looooove the semolina flour. -Joe
yeah! i loved the flavour and the texture the semolina gives. It somewhat made the crumb "creamier" than usual...err...as i would describe it... :P

That looks awesome..I guess I know what I'll be trying this weekend.