I just received my copy of Bread Matters by Andrew Whitely through Amazon's UK site. It has a lot of info in it about modern bread that I was unaware of (modern being the factory-produced stuff), but the info on gluten-free baking might be the most helpful info in the book for a lot of people. He has a list of all the available ingredients that make up the bulk of g-f bread, with their pros, cons, nutritive value, how to use them, caveats, etc. He also has a few bread recipes, pizza dough, and cakes too. I am fortunate that I don't need to eat gluten-free bread, and I never intend to make it, but I found it interesting nonetheless. He also has a recipe for Arkatena bread, which is a chickpea-sourdough-fermented wheat bread with fennel seeds from Cyprus that sounds intriguing.