My version of Hovis

 My basic white loaf with 2 cups home milled w/w replacing 2 cups white flour, with 1 teaspoon malt added. qahtanA 2 pound loaf.
Yes you are right, real Hovis does carry a lot of wheatgerm in it.

 I have tried many different ideas for it, but this is so far the best looking,;-)))

 Two one pound tins were given me by a kind soul on another list, they were

old and well used, But with my husbands elbow grease they now look like new.

The loaf in picture is baked in one of two 2 pound tins I bought from an antique shop

in UK. qahtan

They are for my own enjoyment as I know I am not allowed to sell any breads baked in the tins