I woke up at 3:00 this morning, and after half an hour trying to go back to sleep, I gave up. So I made pineapple turnovers.
Ripe pineapple in the food processor, pulse 6-8 times, dump into a pot, add a cinnamon stick, a few cloves and whatever else you like, plus roughly half the pineapple weight in sugar - start lower and build up until you like the ratio. Reduce until there is almost no liquid left in the pot.
Beat an egg well. Thaw out a package of puff pastry, brush the egg wash on the edges and fold, crimp the edges with a fork, then egg wash the top and sprinkle it with coarse sugar. They cooked 15m at 400F, 10m at 375F, then 325F - watch until they are the color you like.

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By opening this blog entry.
We will be restraining ourselves to one per day :)
They look terrific! 😍 👍
Thank you. Two more days worth to go :)
Fantastic, loydb, and a much better strategy than counting sheep.
awesome! those look scrumptious, loydb
Pineapple filled viennoiserie is on my bucket list
And I imagine 'insomniac pineapple turnovers' would include lorazepam in the recipe 😆
You're reaching now Jay. Haha., funny...Not! Smile...
What can I say, Will. I love my therapist 😂
I could probably benefit from going back to self medicating.
Jokes aside. I prolly don't understand what you meant with self-medicating (whether in positive or negative way), hopefully it's in a good way! :)
I used to see therapist for my bipolar disorder, hence I at times asked for smallest doses of lorazepam for sleep. And as much as I love my therapist, meds make me feel too normal, and I hate it lol
Just like everything else in life, being unstable grants higher degree of performance. Shoulder joints are highly unstable, but they can move at greater range of motion than any joint. Athletes have above average working capacity, because they periodically going all out then get rest weeks. Investing in stocks is high in risk, but the return is as high. Along the way, I learned to harness my bipolar, turned out, it's a blessing in disguise :D
For me it was a couple of Dewar's white label on the rocks to soften the effects of resident manager syndrome. The tell tail signs are gambling, drinking, and sometimes womanizing. Not necessarily in that order. Smile...
well put, Jay. Meds are not for everyone -- though some people I know (and love) find them to be essential. Self-medicating's often bad, sometimes good. It's totally great you are finding your best state.
I spent a few years self medicating -- acid, weed, alcohol, cocaine (when I could afford it) often in combination. Not my best times -- though my big crash came later without any artificial assist. I was unstable & fearful of that instability and essentially paralyzed. And then, also without any artificial addition, I rebuilt myself, created a life I can mostly be reasonably respectful of. And then crashed again ... and then rebuilt again. And so on. This mess...it's called life.
These days I'm with Salvador Dali: 'I don't do drugs, I am drugs.'
The world is essentially weird ... drugs, whether of the medical or recreational sort, distort that weirdness. These days I'd rather see it straight.
Glad to know that you've made it this far, Rob! I think it's important to have support system that helps keeping ourselves accountable :)
Well, let's not hijack loydb's thread 😆
Sorry loydb for the clutters, great bake!
-is very well put, Rob. With you.
A poetic and crazy way to describe the weirdest moments of reality and life. Poetic in that the words describe the ineffable when they're insufficient for the task.
Suspect one day you'll become a 100 year old man after all that anyways.
'baked' by Jay👈🏻🙌🏻😱🤣
I found myself awake at 2 am last night and thought of these turnovers, loydb. Not so much making them but munching on them ;) Looks terrific. Reminds me of the pineapple tarts we make for chinese new year every year - also a cooked and spiced pineapple jam, but encased in shortcrust pastry.
Hope you've been having more restful nights since.
Thanks. Got 8.5 hours last night, I feel human again.
Crazy and lovely. The midnight baker. Could be a TV series
One of my favorite series on Netflix is Midnight Diner, about a small Tokyo izakaya that opens at midnight every night and closes when the sun comes up.