Ryebatta Bialys


I ran across this online:  https://sassafrascurio.substack.com/p/ryebatta-bialys from Martin Phillip, Hamelman's successor at King Arthur.

Day 1 AM: Feed Starter

Day 1 PM: Mix wheat flour poolish and rye sourdough

Day 2 AM:  Mix and ferment dough, shape and proof rounds, shape, top, and bake bialys - about 5 hrs start to finish

I used whole wheat flour for the poolish to get the whole grain % up.  The result is not as open as the photos in the formula, but it's pretty tasty with a nice chew.  

The formula specifically says not to mince the onions.  Every bakery bialy I've ever had had minced onions and I didn't see the advantage of slicing rather than mincing.  I tried it; it just made the bialys harder to top neatly. 

Bialy photos, not nearly as dark as the ones in the formula, but tasty nevertheless
