One of my favorite ways of making healthy potatoes is to partially boil them in salted water and then toss them in olive oil with some spices. Then, I place them on my pellet smoker until they are nice and crisp with a slightly smokey flavor. They are good enough to eat by themselves. I decided to prepare some purple sweet potatoes in this fashion and had enough left over to use in this bread.
I love using Guinness in bread and what better to complement the flavor than fresh-milled Danko rye and potatoes! I also added some fresh-milled Butler’s Gold whole wheat.
The whole wheat was milled in my MockMill 200 and sifted with a #30 drum sieve, then re-milled and sifted with a #40 drum sieve. The Danko rye was only sifted once with the #30 and milled twice.
Butler’s Gold is a modern hard red winter wheat with a mild flavor and high strength, 15.5% protein.
Many times I will mash the potatoes but I decided to put them in my mini-food processor and pureed them this time.
The dough was mixed using my trusty Ankrusrum and open-baked with steam.
This was baked as a large miche weighing a total of 1655 grams before baking.
I really like how this one turned out. The purple sweet potatoes combined great with the Guinness. The crumb is moderate with a nice thick crust, perfect to hold pastrami or to eat with some cheese or hummus.
Levain Directions
Mix all the levain ingredients together for about 1 minute and cover with plastic wrap.
Let it sit at room temperature for around 6-7 hours or until the starter has almost doubled. Either use in the main dough immediately or refrigerate for up to 1 day before using.
Main Dough Procedure
Note: I use an Ankarsrum Mixer so my order of mixing is slightly different than if using a Kitchenaid or other mixer. Add all the Guinness to your mixing bowl except the 70 grams of water. Add all your flour to the bowl and mix on low for a minute until it forms a shaggy mass. Cover the mixing bowl and let it rest for 20 – 30 minutes. Next add the levain, salt, honey, potatoes, and half the remaining water and mix on medium-low (about speed 3) for a few minutes until the water is absorbed and turn the speed up a couple of notches for a few minutes until the dough starts to come together. Let it rest for another 20-30 minutes and add the rest of the water only if you feel you need it. Mix for another 8-10 minutes and until you have a pretty completely developed dough.
Remove the dough from your bowl and place it in a lightly oiled bowl and do several stretch and folds. Make sure the dough is as flat as possible in your bowl/container and measure the dough in millimeters and take the temperature of the dough as well. Based on the chart from www.thesourdoughjourney.com, determine what % rise you need and make a note. If you have a proofer decide what temperature you want to set it at and what rise you are aiming for. If the dough is fully developed you don’t need to do any stretch and folds, but if it’s not, do several sets 15-20 minutes apart.
Once the dough reaches the desired bulk rise, pre-shape and let rest for 15-20 minutes. Finish shaping place in your banneton, bowl, or on your sheet pan and cover it so it is pretty airtight. You will then place it in your refrigerator so you don’t want the dough to get a crust on it. I usually don’t leave the dough in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours because of all the fresh milled flour but it is possible to go longer which I did with this one. I let this one go 17 hours total and the dough was nicely fermented.
When you are ready to bake, an hour beforehand pre-heat your oven to 540 F and prepare for steam. Let your dough sit at room temperature while the oven is warming up. When ready to bake, score as desired. Prepare your oven for steam. I have a heavy-duty baking pan on the bottom rack of my oven with 1 baking stone above the pan and one on the top shelf. I pour 1 cup of boiling water into the pan right after I place the dough in the oven. I then lower the temperature of the oven to 450 F for a miche or 455 F for smaller individual loaves. Bake until they are nice and brown and the internal temperature is at least 205 – 210 F.
Take the bread(s) out of the oven when done and let them cool on a baker’s rack for as long as you can resist.
- Isand66's Blog
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Looks good, Ian. I like the contrast between the evenly white crust and the bien cuit color of the scored surface
The combination of guiness and sweet potatoes reminds me of a local product, which is fermented sweet cassava. It's cassava roots fermented with Chinese sweet rice yeast in anaerobic condition, resulting in naturally sugary sweet, slightly alcoholic cassava with intense fermentation flavor. It's in my bucket list to try adding the roots in bread
I’m glad you liked it. I look forward to seeing your experimental bake soon.
Best regards,
fantastic, Ian, fantastic. Someone needs to make an oil painting of that miche. It's that beautiful. Your bakes always give me ideas ... and make me hungry. Thanks.
I appreciate your kind words. I’m glad I can give yiu ideas and look forward to your version.
Best regards,
..and look at that scoring! Love it. Great flavour combinations. And agreed - potatoes prepared that way are sublime!
I was happy with the scoring on this one. The flavor combo was so tasty. I’m obsessed with making potatoes this way. They are so buttery without butter!
Happy baking 😊. Look forward to your next creative bake.
Love your creativity, both in the scoring and the flavors. Sweet potatoes play well with so many other flavors, don't they? I never thought about smoking them, but that sounds pretty wonderful. I'm currently testing roasted orange sweet potato in Hamelman's Hazelnut and Fig Levain with aniseed, replacing 10% of white flour with sweet potato flour. The dough is smelling heavenly so I have high hopes.
Edited to say I just noticed that you are using purple potatoes, not sweet potatoes (I'm used to reading about Benny's purple sweet potato breads). Sorry for the mix-up, but the kudos still stand :)
I love adding sweets potatoes to dough and I’m sure your latest will come out great. I did use purple sweet potatoes in this bake. They are much less sweet than the orange variety. The purple potatoes are not easy to come by but I did just find some at a new supermarket that just opened on Long Island called Wegmans. Those will make it into a bake soon enough! Thanks again for your comment.
Best regards,
Great combination Ian, of the sweet potatoes paired with the Guinness.
I'm hearing you guys loud and clear now with all the sweet potato bakes lately, I need to give this a try too
Appreciate your kind words. I hope you give it a try soon.
Best regards,