Rice Bran Remover For Wheat?


Recently we had some discussion about Japanese home rice bran remover/polishing machines. I happened on a review of one in which the reviewer said he wanted to use it to remove wheat bran before he milled it at home.  He wasn't satisfied with his electric sifter - slow and messy - and wanted to be able to get a whiter flour than it produced.  So he got one of these polishers and found it worked very well on wheat berries. Now he's getting much better, whiter flour, so he says.

I don't want to link to the Amazon review, but here's the model name -

household rice milling machine MICHIBA KITCHEN PRODUCT Takumiajimai White MB-RC52W

The review reads well and seems to be written by a thoughtful experienced home miller and baker. Aside from this I don't know a thing about the machine. Perhaps other rice polishers can work with wheat, too.
