Storing and milling wheat berries Thinkdirectly from freezer?


Thinking of storing my wheat berries in the freezer, will this harm the berries? I was thinking freezing will extend life/freshness of the berries. 

Can I mill the berries directly from the freezer? (Using Komo classic) 

Yes, you can store them in the freezer and mill directly from the freezer. I store rye and wheat berries in the freezer mainly to stop mites. I've been doing this for years. I have a stone mill.


Yes, no problem.  In fact, I have only milled frozen grain since we acquired our first Komo Fidibus XL several years ago.  One downside of that mill's high throughput is that its fast-spinning stone heats up the product more than slower (cheaper?) Komo models.  Heated flour can make a messy cloud over your catch bowl and I believe I recall the stones also becoming fouled with congealed flour owing to the heat.  Milling frozen grain was and remains an easy solution.  And storing bulk grain in the freezer for long periods was no problem, back when we had a freezer big enough for it.  With less freezer capacity now, I just weigh out the amount for a bake the day before and freeze it overnight.
