Vacuum Pressed Butter Slab for Laminated Dough

Profile picture for user loydb
steps to make slab

I was looking for an easy way to make a slab of butter for laminated dough, and this worked a dream. I used the two sizes of vac bag in the first pic to plan out how big I wanted to roll the dough out. Then I vac sealed the butter (straight out of the fridge, no need to soften), flattened initially by hand, then used the rolling pin to fill all the corners of the bag with butter. 

To remove, put the bag in the freezer for 30-45 mins until it is frozen hard. Cut open and peel away the bag. It is soft enough to work after 10-15 minutes sitting on the dough.

This also lends itself well to batching - premake a half dozen of these and keep frozen.

Thank you so much for sharing this, Loyd, I'm using it next time I laminate :)


Probably simpler than the folded parchment paper envelope I’ve been using for several years…


This has to be easier than the parchment paper way. I use this same technique for dividing and freezing ground sausage, nuts, almond paste, etc.

If you had zip lock bags of the right size, that would also probably work.