I made a version of this several months ago. This time, I added dried raspberries and used Butler’s Gold whole wheat from Barton Springs Mill.
The durum and the whole wheat were milled in my MockMill 200 and sifted with a #30 drum sieve, re-milled, and then sifted with a #40 drum sieve.
The Butler’s Gold WW is an organic modern Red Winter Wheat with a neutral classic wheat flavor and is considered a relatively high-strength flour. The protein content is 15.5%.
The dough was mixed using my trusty Ankrusrum and open-baked with steam. The sugar in the maple syrup and fruit really helped move the bulk ferment along as it took only 3.5 hours at 80 F in my proofer to reach a 30% rise. Since the initial dough temperature was only 70 F and when it was done rising 30% it was only 75 F I probably could have let this go to 50%.
The end result was still a wonderful-tasting bread perfect for toast or sandwiches. The crumb was moderately open and the crust was very flavorful. The combination of flour along with egg yolks really created a flavorful bread.
Levain Directions
Mix all the levain ingredients together for about 1 minute and cover with plastic wrap.
Let it sit at room temperature for around 6-7 hours or until the starter has almost doubled. I used my proofer set at 76 degrees so it took around 5 hours for me. Either use in the main dough immediately or refrigerate for up to 1 day before using.
Main Dough Procedure
Note: I use an Ankarsrum Mixer so my order of mixing is slightly different than if using a Kitchenaid or other mixer. Add all your liquid to your mixing bowl except 50-80 grams. Add all your flour to the bowl and mix on low for a minute until it forms a shaggy mass. Next, add the egg yolks and maple syrup. Cover the mixing bowl and let it rest for 20 – 30 minutes. Next add the levain, salt, and remaining water as needed and mix on medium-low (about speed 3) for 12- 24 minutes until you have a nice developed dough. Right before you are done mixing add the cherries and raspberries and mix for a minute until fully incorporated. (Alternatively, you can laminate the dough and add the inclusions that way).
Remove the dough from your bowl and place it in a lightly oiled bowl and do several stretch and folds. Make sure the dough is as flat as possible in your bowl/container and measure the dough in millimeters and take the temperature of the dough as well. Based on the chart from www.thesourdoughjourney.com, determine what % rise you need and make a note. If you have a proofer decide what temperature you want to set it at and what rise you are aiming for. If the dough is fully developed you don’t need to do any stretch and folds, but if it’s not, do several sets 15-20 minutes apart.
Once the dough reaches the desired bulk rise, pre-shape and let rest for 15-20 minutes. Finish shaping place in your banneton, bowl, or on your sheet pan and cover it so it is pretty airtight. You will then place it in your refrigerator so you don’t want the dough to get a crust on it. I usually don’t leave the dough in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours because of all the fresh milled flour but it is possible to go longer. I let this one go 17 hours total and the dough was nicely fermented.
When you are ready to bake, an hour beforehand pre-heat your oven to 540 F and prepare for steam. I have a heavy-duty baking pan on the bottom rack of my oven with 1 baking stone above the pan and one on the top shelf. I pour 1 cup of boiling water into the pan right after I place the dough in the oven. Remove your dough from the refrigerator and score immediately. I used some cookie cutters to jazz it up a bit.
Take the bread(s) out of the oven when done and let them cool on a baker’s rack for as long as you can resist.
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thanks for another inspiring bake & write-up. Your flavor & texture combos are great.
Appreciate your kind words.
Best Regards,
Never a dull moment at your house, is there? That looks and sounds very tasty.
This is a very tasty combo. Always trying to push the envelope or life is too boring 🥱😉.
Looks great, Ian. The yellow splotches in the slice intrigue me - are those the yolks? But how so, given that there was still much mixing after the addition?
🤔Yes those appear to be from the yolks. I don’t understand either why they are visible as they were mixed in very well. Next time I guess I need to scramble them more maybe. You don’t taste them per say so I guess that’s a good thing 🫣.
That looks delicious. I love Baker's Gold. Actually, I love everything from there. If you haven't played with Danko or Ryman rye, get some next time you order.
I’ve used both ryes and love them. I buy all my grains from there except durum which unfortunately they don’t sell. I’m a big fan of Stardust and Marquis as well.
Yeah, I asked them about Durum. I'll keep bugging them. They are about 45 minutes from here.
This masterpiece! Your combinations get richer and more interesting. Beautiful!!! Did you make one huge miche? That’s an amazing loaf and the details on the crust are so well done.
For a great treat on salads take dried cherries or blueberries and cover with a good white balsamic . Use enough to allow them to really hydrate. The flavor is out of this world. Spoon on some vinegar with the fruit to finish your salad decorating. I don’t have dried raspberries but they’d be flavorful also.
this is the one I buy. I get 6 500 ml bottles free shipping and big discount.
I’m not baking again until April when we get back from AZ. Will enjoy your posts. c
The best for freshly dug, pressure cooked, cooled, peeled and sliced golden beets. We found Seggiano brand in supermarkets when we lived in the US. Here in the UK, Waitrose sells Belazu brand -- just as good. Interestingly, it's never labeled "white balsamic vinegar" here. It's called "White Condiment" so pervasively that I have a feeling there may be rules over here about naming vinegars. Those old families in Modena may be justifiably protective about the 'balsamic' brand and process.
But hydrating dried berries and cherries in it? What a concept. Have to try. Thanks!
I steam the cut up cubes of beets, we prefer the red over golden . I also roast the cut up pieces. The method is so much easier and way less messy than peeling after cooking 🤣.
I heard about the dried fruit pickling when a friend went to a restaurant in Boston and they had blueberries pickled on her salad. They were fresh but when I tried that it didn’t seem interesting or pungent enough. I buy incredible dried blueberries from Wisconsin and they hydrate beautifully so I tried the Door County WS cherries from the same source and they also are delicious hydrated in the white balsamic.
We use only Sciabica olive oils from California. Their basil oil with the fruit on a salad is life changing!haha . c
Yes I did make one large Miche for this bake. Thanks for the salad dressing suggestion. I also like to ad$ the cherries to my cereal.
Enjoy your travels and be well.
Best regards,